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Scoil Bhríde GNS Crosshaven, Co. Cork

Science Quiz Team


Congratulations to the girls from 5th and 6th class who made up the quiz teams to represent the school in UCC as part of Science Week.


Engineer's Week


Engineer's Week brings huge excitement every year. Each class participates in challenges, tasks, field trips and hosts guest speakers. Some creative inventions and ideas always arise. If this week is anything to go by the future is looking bright.


SFI Curious Minds Awards


We took part in the SFI Curious Minds Award (Science Foundation Ireland) again this year. This award recognises the hard work carried out in the areas of science, maths, technology, and engineering. The whole school worked really well in each of these areas. We are delighted to announce that we achieved the award and have our plaque on display in the school. Every student received a certificate recognising the work they put into it. We were also invited to a live virtual awards ceremony and when Scoil Bhride was mentioned there was so much excitement in the room 🥳 

4th Mar 2025
1st class have been designing and making tall towers using spaghetti and marshmallows...
10th Jan 2025
Having listened to the story of The Billy Goat's Gruff, the children designed a...
10th Jan 2025
During this cold spell, 1st class investigated how materials change when other materials...