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Scoil Bhríde GNS Crosshaven, Co. Cork

Friends Reunited - 4th Class Musical

18th Jun 2024
4th Class were very excited to perform their show to our whole school audience and then to our parents. There were lots of different parts, so many, we can't name them all! To all of the girls who were scared at first, you did so well, we could not tell that you were nervous. Well done to all of the girls who participated. You were all absolutely amazing. A huge thank you to Karen and Ms. O'Brien who organised the play. 

By Daisy and Leah

After months of rehearsals it was such a pleasure to watch every single one of you perform like professionals in front of a big audience. You all pushed yourselves out of your comfort zones during the solo auditions and so you should be extremely proud. You took Karen's expert advice on board and followed her direction to produce a fantastic show. Well done on an amazing performance. Thank you to everyone who supplied the costumes and props. A special shout out to Méabh and Polly who were so helpful in the lead up to the musical. Thank you also to Darragh Kane for the gorgeous photographs which we are so lucky to have.
Ms. O'Brien