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Scoil Bhríde GNS Crosshaven, Co. Cork

May & June Activities

20th Jun 2024

The Merries
On Friday 7th June, our amazing parents association organised for the whole school to go to the merries. Some of the rides included the waltzers, bumpers and the roller coaster. Afterwards we all had ice cream or slushies to top it off!

Outdoor Activites
For the past few weeks we had lots of outdoor activities which included dodgeball, long jump competitions, reading our class novel and reading with our buddies. 

Long Jump & Olympic Projects
For our Olympics projects we could choose any topic related to the Olympics. One of our friend's Julia did hers on Reece Ademola who is representing Ireland in the Olympics this year for the Long Jump. All of the classes did a Long Jump competition to see who could jump the furthest. We also helped to organise and run the competition for juniors and seniors. We were all very impressed to see Aisling jump 3.5m and Elva jump 3m! We joined up with 3rd class to take part in a quiz all about the Olympics and we discovered that we had learned a lot. We also enjoyed watching Ireland's success in the European Championships over in Rome. We watched some of the races and cheered on our athletes. We can't wait for the Olympics now!

Talent Show
On June 14th we had a talent show with 3rd class. There was singing, dancing, musical instruments, puppet shows and more. It was so much fun to see everyone's talents and to listen to the music.

Teacher Assistant Coupons
Lots of people had coupons to teach a mini lesson to the class. We could teach whatever we wanted for 10min. Some people chose games and some chose art.

A few days a week we tried out meditation. We visited lots of places in our head like the wood, the beach and tree houses. It felt nice and relaxing to go to our own place. Some people even fell asleep!

Fire Safety
In June we had a fire safety talk by Dean and Trazeia. We got to try on the fire suits and learn what to do if there is a fire. We learned about the importance of having a plan. We also got activity booklets with helpful tips.

Author's Chair

Throughout the year we brought out the 'Author's Chair' and we had the chance to share some of our writing pieces with the class. During our last two weeks of school everyone was given the chance to share one of their favourite pieces from their hardback. We really enjoyed listening to each others poems and stories.

Time Capsule
At the start of the year we all got to put something into a box which was our 'Time Capsule' We each put in a letter to our future selves, our height and more. It was so exciting to take it out on the last week of school and see what we had written and if we had achieved our goals.