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Scoil Bhríde GNS Crosshaven, Co. Cork

STEPS Online Award Ceremony

18th Jun 2024
In September, we were put into groups of five or six to come up with an idea that would help our community, for our STEPS young engineering projects. We had some great ideas, including; litter picking robots, magnetic cars, slurry filtration machines and lifting bridges. We all worked really hard with filling out our booklets and building our prototypes. We worked up until December, when we posted off our booklets and presented our projects to an Engineer.
In February, one of our projects got shortlisted! 'The Slurry Slayers' with their 'Super Slurrinator' got into the top 30 out of 700 projects! We were invited to the online STEPS Award Ceremony in May. We all received certificates recognising our fantastic work. When the ceremony was finished we enjoyed some experiments from Mark the Science Guy!

By Isabelle Dooley & Maia